Monday, December 8, 2008

Big Macs

A 54 year-old Wisconsin man says his obsessive-compulsive disorder drove him to eat 23,000 Big Macs in 36 years. Don Gorske, who has kept every receipt in a box, says this pleasurable obsession began the day he got his first car. The only day he skipped a Big Mac was the day his mother died, only to respect her wishes. He said he doesn’t care if people think he’s crazy because he’s in love with the burgers, which are the highlights of his days. Makes you wonder what consequences this decision will have on his physical body and how soon it will be until we read his obituary! Whether physically or spiritually, let’s remember that “…our body is a temple of the Holy Spirit…therefore let’s honor God with it.” (I Cor. 6:19-20)

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