Monday, October 27, 2008

Blue Ink

I heard about a man who robbed a bank and drove off. He thought he was in the clear until he opened the bag and it exploded with permanent blue ink. He was blue from head to toe. Day after day he scrubbed himself trying to get free from the ink but it was futile. He lived with all this money yet could not leave his home for fear the ink would be seen and he would be arrested. The ink served as a constant reminder of who he was and what he had done.....a constant reminder that he was a guilty man. He was completely isolated from the world because of the ink and almost went insane. Finally the day came when he could no longer take it anymore and he decided to turn himself in. At least in prison he could be free from the guilt of what he had done. John 8:32, ".....and the truth will set you free."

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