Monday, February 16, 2009

The Right Perspective

In Scripture, Peter is infamous for his impulsive reactions and his small-picture thinking. In Mark 8:31-32, Jesus is sharing things Peter doesn’t want to hear, so Peter lets loose and has the audacity to even rebuke Jesus. In verse 33, Jesus quickly reminds Peter that his focus is in the wrong place by stating, “You do not have in mind the things of God, but the things of men.”
When Peter acts like this, we tend to roll our eyes and grin smugly—only to be reminded how we too, often act the exact same way. In life, no matter what comes our way, we know that it’s much easier to focus on the one sickly tree than it is to observe the bigger, beautiful forest surrounding it. Our frustrating circumstances often cause us to become unsettled and impatient. Today, let’s remember that just because we don’t always understand God’s ways, doesn’t mean God is wrong. Most likely, we’re simply being impatient. As we persevere, the right perspective will eventually bring God’s plan into focus. Let’s hang in there; God knows our destiny and is in control!

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