Monday, January 26, 2009

Risky Business?

A story is told of a man who over a span of several months was mentored by a pastor friend and became a Christian. He was married to a loving wife, had several children and became active in the leadership of the church. After several years the pastor was called to another church. A year later he returned to his old church and discovered this same man had left the church, divorced his wife and was living with another woman. When questioned about his behavior, he said he knew he was doing wrong but that God would accept him back whenever he decided to repent. In effect, he was saying to God, “I’m coming to the banquet, just not right now…but please save me a seat.” Read Luke 14:15-24. Would you be willing to take this risk?

Monday, January 19, 2009

Complaining 101

Author Jon Gordon shares these facts about complaining:
*Gallup poll – Negativity and complaining costs the U.S. economy between $250-$300 billion every year in lost productivity.
*Center for Disease Control and Prevention – 90% of doctor visits are stress-related.
* – #1 cause of office stress is co-workers and their complaining.
*In general, a complaining lifestyle leads to: a decreased life span; increased risk of a heart attack; less energy; more pain and fewer friends.

Scripture has a lot to say about what our attitudes, behavior and speech should be like. And whether we’re at work, school, church or at home, Ephesians 4:29 is a good place to start. Usually we tear others down, so we can be lifted up. However, this verse says, “Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.” Today, does your speech build others up, according to their needs? Does it benefit those who listen to you?

Monday, January 12, 2009

Guarding Against Greed

A while back I observed the results of a poll of Americans and was startled by its findings to say the least. The question was: What would you do for $10,000,000?

-25% would abandon their entire family
-25% would leave their church
-23% would become a prostitute for a week
-16% would leave their spouse
-10% would withhold testimony and let a murderer go free
-7% would kill a stranger
-3% would put their children up for adoption
-(I wonder, what would I do? – What would you do?)

Greed is a very destructive sin and has been defined as, “The result of the belief that there is no life after death.” In other words, it means we grab what we can, while we can, however we can and hold onto it as hard and as long as we can. This pertains to material things, as well as our selfish attitudes and agendas. Little wonder Jesus says, “Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; a man’s life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions.” (Luke 12:15)

Monday, January 5, 2009

Potluck Casseroles

Charles Spurgeon was a well-known preacher in England and around the world. He also smoked a pipe. One day he passed a tobacco store and read the advertisement, “Smoke the brand that Spurgeon smokes.” When he saw this he was convicted and became aware that his behavior might prove to be an unhealthy hindrance to others and thus reportedly, never smoked again. So, what’s the point? Is it wrong to smoke tobacco? On the other hand, is it right to live on a diet of double cheeseburgers, ice cream and church potluck casseroles? Which is worse for our bodies? Someone once said that smoking won’t keep you out of hell, but it may get you to heaven quicker! Is smoking spiritually wrong or simply physically unhealthy? Think of all the powerful sermons Spurgeon wrote while smoking his pipe in his study.

I think Spurgeon changed his behavior because he understood what Paul meant in Romans 14:19 when he said, “Let us make every effort to do what leads to peace and to mutual edification.” In other words, he realized that his behavior may cause someone else to stumble, so he changed it. (Verses 20-21 are pertinent here as well.) The point is that I am to be so considerate of you that there are times when I must limit my own freedom so that I won't potentially hinder you.